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Rotational Molding

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What is rotational molding?  It is referred to as rotomolding, is a manufacturing process used to create hollow plastic products.

What's the difference between rotational molding vs injection molding

Rotational molding and injection molding are two distinct plastic manufacturing processes, each with its own advantages, limitations, and suitable applications. Here are the key differences between them.

Rotational Molding:

  1. Process:

    • Material: Uses plastic resin in powder form.

    • Mold: Hollow metal mold is used.

    • Heating and Rotation: The mold is heated and rotated on two perpendicular axes to evenly distribute the material inside the mold.

    • Cooling: The mold continues to rotate while it cools to ensure even wall thickness.

    • Demolding: The finished product is removed once the plastic solidifies.

  2. Products:

    • Typically used for making large, hollow objects such as tanks, containers, and playground equipment.

  3. Advantages:

    • Low cost for small production runs.

    • Uniform wall thickness.

    • Ability to create complex, seamless hollow parts.

    • Minimal material waste.

  4. Limitations:

    • Slower production cycle times compared to injection molding.

    • Less suitable for high-precision or small parts.

    • Limited to relatively simple geometries.

Injection Molding:

  1. Process:

    • Material: Uses plastic resin in pellet form.

    • Mold: Precision-machined metal mold with cavities.

    • Injection: The plastic is melted and injected into the mold cavities under high pressure.

    • Cooling: The plastic solidifies quickly in the mold.

    • Ejection: The finished parts are ejected from the mold.

  2. Products:

    • Used for making a wide range of products, from small precision parts to larger components like automotive parts, household items, and electronic housings.

  3. Advantages:

    • High precision and excellent surface finish.

    • Fast production cycle times, suitable for high-volume production.

    • Ability to produce complex and intricate designs.

    • Consistent quality and tight tolerances.

  4. Limitations:

    • High initial cost due to expensive molds.

    • Less cost-effective for small production runs.

    • More material waste compared to rotational molding.

Comparison Summary:

  • Complexity and Precision: Injection molding is better for high-precision, complex parts with fine details, whereas rotational molding is suited for large, hollow items with uniform thickness.

  • Cost and Volume: Injection molding has a higher initial cost but is more cost-effective for high-volume production. Rotational molding has lower initial costs, making it suitable for smaller runs.

  • Production Speed: Injection molding offers faster production cycles, while rotational molding has slower cycles.

  • Material Use: Injection molding typically uses pellets, while rotational molding uses powder.

Rotational molding involves the following steps:

  1. Mold Preparation: A hollow mold is created, usually made of metal like aluminum or steel.

  2. Loading Material: Plastic resin, typically in powder form, is placed inside the mold.

  3. Heating and Rotation: The mold is heated in an oven while it is simultaneously rotated on two perpendicular axes. This ensures the plastic melts and coats the interior surfaces of the mold evenly.

  4. Cooling: The mold continues to rotate as it is cooled, allowing the plastic to solidify and maintain an even thickness.

  5. Demolding: Once the plastic has cooled and solidified, the mold is opened, and the finished product is removed.

The Process Of Rotational Mold Production

1. Mold Preparation

  • Design and Fabrication: The mold is designed based on the product specifications. It is typically made from aluminum or steel, chosen for its strength and thermal conductivity.

  • Assembly: Molds may consist of multiple parts that are assembled together to form the desired shape. Proper sealing is essential to prevent material leakage.

2. Loading the Mold

  • Material Loading: A pre-measured amount of plastic resin, usually in powdered form, is placed inside the mold. The type and amount of material depend on the product requirements.

3. Heating and Rotating

  • Heating: The loaded mold is placed into an oven. The oven temperature usually ranges between 500°F and 750°F (260°C to 400°C), depending on the type of plastic used.

  • Biaxial Rotation: The mold rotates simultaneously around two perpendicular axes (biaxial rotation). This ensures that the plastic powder evenly coats the entire inner surface of the mold as it melts.

4. Cooling

  • Controlled Cooling: After the plastic has melted and uniformly coated the mold's interior, the mold is moved to a cooling station. The cooling process is controlled to avoid warping or deformation of the product. This can be done using air, water, or a combination of both.

  • Continued Rotation: The mold continues to rotate during the cooling phase to maintain even wall thickness and to solidify the plastic uniformly.

5. Demolding

  • Mold Opening: Once the plastic has fully solidified and cooled, the mold is opened carefully.

  • Product Removal: The finished product is removed from the mold. This may involve using tools to aid in the removal of complex shapes.

6. Finishing

  • Trimming and Deflashing: Any excess material (flash) is trimmed away, and the edges are smoothed.

  • Inspection: The product undergoes quality control checks to ensure it meets the required specifications and standards.

  • Secondary Operations: Additional processes, such as drilling, cutting, or adding inserts, may be performed to complete the product.

7. Assembly (if required)

  • Final Assembly: If the product consists of multiple parts, they are assembled together. This step may include welding, gluing, or mechanical fastening.

Advantages of Rotational Molding:

  • Versatility: Capable of producing a wide range of products, from small items to large tanks.

  • Cost-Effective for Small Runs: Molds are less expensive compared to other molding processes.

  • Durability: Produces seamless, stress-free parts with uniform wall thickness.

  • Design Flexibility: Allows for complex shapes and intricate details.

3D design for Rotational Mould

Designing a 3D model for rotational molding involves specific considerations to ensure the final product is manufacturable and performs as intended. Here are the key steps and considerations when creating a 3D design for rotational molding.

1. Conceptualization and Design Brief

  • Define Purpose: Clearly understand the product's function and requirements.

  • Sketches and Ideas: Create initial sketches and concepts to visualize the design.

2. CAD Modeling

  • Software Selection: Use CAD software such as SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, or Rhino.

  • 3D Modeling: Develop a detailed 3D model of the product. Ensure the design adheres to rotational molding principles.

3. Design Considerations for Rotational Molding

  • Uniform Wall Thickness: Aim for even wall thickness throughout the design to ensure consistent cooling and material distribution.

  • Draft Angles: Incorporate draft angles (typically 1-3 degrees) to facilitate easy removal of the part from the mold.

  • Corners and Edges: Design with rounded corners and edges to avoid stress concentration and material thinning.

  • Hollow Structures: Ensure the design is suitable for creating hollow parts, a key feature of rotational molding.

  • Ribs and Reinforcements: Add ribs or gussets for structural integrity without increasing wall thickness excessively.

  • No Undercuts: Avoid undercuts in the design, as these can complicate the demolding process.

  • Shrinkage Allowance: Account for material shrinkage during cooling by adjusting the dimensions accordingly.

4. Material Selection

  • Type of Plastic: Choose appropriate plastic resin based on product requirements (e.g., polyethylene, PVC, nylon).

  • Color and Additives: Consider colorants and additives for UV resistance, flame retardancy, or other properties.

5. Prototype Development

  • 3D Printing: Create a 3D-printed prototype to validate the design and make necessary adjustments.

  • Testing: Test the prototype for fit, function, and durability.

6. Mold Design

  • Mold Material: Select suitable materials for the mold, typically aluminum for its heat conductivity and lightweight properties.

  • Mold Construction: Design the mold to be in multiple parts if needed, ensuring easy assembly and disassembly.

  • Vent and Drainage: Incorporate vents for air release and drainage holes if necessary.

7. Simulation and Analysis

  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA): Conduct FEA to predict how the product will behave under various conditions and make necessary design adjustments.

  • Flow Simulation: Simulate the flow of the plastic resin to ensure even distribution within the mold.

8. Review and Final Adjustments

  • Design Review: Conduct a thorough review with stakeholders to ensure all design criteria are met.

  • Final Adjustments: Make any necessary adjustments based on feedback and simulation results.

9. Production Preparation

  • Mold Fabrication: Once the design is finalized, proceed with the fabrication of the mold.

  • Pilot Run: Conduct a pilot run to produce a small batch of parts, ensuring the design performs as expected in actual production conditions.

Example Design Features:

  • Symmetry: Simplifies the mold design and ensures even material distribution.

  • Consistent Wall Thickness: Achieved through careful modeling and analysis.

  • Reinforcement Features: Such as ribs or flanges for added strength without excessive material use.

  • Smooth Transitions: Between surfaces to avoid weak points and ensure durability.

Tools and Software:

  • CAD Software: SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, Rhino, or similar.

  • Simulation Tools: ANSYS, Moldex3D, or other FEA and flow simulation software.

  • 3D Printers: For prototyping and validation.

How to test the rotational mold?

Testing a rotational mold is crucial to ensure it produces high-quality, defect-free parts. Here are the steps and methods typically used to test and validate a rotational mold, By following these steps, you can thoroughly test and validate a rotational mold, ensuring it produces high-quality, reliable parts that meet the required specifications and standards.

1. Initial Inspection

  • Visual Inspection: Check the mold for any visible defects, such as cracks, dents, or improper alignment of mold parts.

  • Dimensional Verification: Measure the mold dimensions to ensure they match the design specifications.

2. Prototype Testing

  • Pilot Run: Conduct a small-scale production run to produce a few prototype parts.

  • Material Loading: Load the appropriate amount of plastic resin into the mold.

  • Rotational Molding Cycle: Perform the complete rotational molding cycle, including heating, rotation, cooling, and demolding.

3. Evaluation of Prototype Parts

  • Dimensional Accuracy: Measure the dimensions of the prototype parts to ensure they match the design specifications.

  • Wall Thickness: Check for uniform wall thickness using ultrasonic thickness gauges or other suitable methods.

  • Surface Quality: Inspect the surface finish for defects such as bubbles, warping, or rough areas.

  • Structural Integrity: Perform physical tests to assess the strength and durability of the parts.

  • Functional Testing: Test the parts in real-world conditions to ensure they perform as intended.

4. Process Optimization

  • Cycle Time Adjustment: Optimize heating and cooling times to improve production efficiency and part quality.

  • Rotation Speed and Angle: Adjust the rotation speed and angle to ensure even material distribution.

  • Material Quantity: Fine-tune the amount of plastic resin used to achieve the desired wall thickness and weight.

5. Quality Control

  • Consistency Checks: Conduct multiple production cycles to ensure consistent quality across all parts.

  • Defect Analysis: Identify and address any recurring defects, such as voids, thinning, or deformation.

  • Environmental Testing: Test the parts under various environmental conditions, such as temperature extremes, UV exposure, and chemical resistance.

6. Final Validation

  • Load Testing: Subject the parts to load and stress tests to ensure they meet the required strength and durability standards.

  • Compatibility Testing: Ensure the parts fit and function correctly with other components if part of an assembly.

  • Customer Feedback: If applicable, provide prototype parts to customers for feedback and approval.

7. Documentation and Reporting

  • Test Reports: Document all test results, including measurements, observations, and any adjustments made during the process.

  • Approval Records: Obtain approval from relevant stakeholders or customers based on the test results and final part quality.

Tools and Equipment Used in Testing:

  • Calipers and Micrometers: For precise dimensional measurements.

  • Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges: To measure wall thickness accurately.

  • Surface Profilometers: To assess surface quality and finish.

  • Load Testing Equipment: For mechanical strength and durability tests.

  • Environmental Chambers: For testing parts under various environmental conditions.

  • Rotational Molding Machines: To perform the actual molding cycles during testing.

The surface treatment for rotational molded product

Surface treatment for rotationally molded products is an essential step to enhance the appearance, durability, and functionality of the final product. Various surface treatments can be applied depending on the desired properties and applications. Here are some common surface treatments and techniques for rotationally molded products, By selecting and applying the right surface treatment, you can significantly enhance the functional and aesthetic qualities of rotationally molded products, ensuring they meet the desired performance criteria and customer expectations.

1. Surface Texturing

  • Mold Texturing: The mold itself can be textured to impart specific patterns or finishes to the product. This can include smooth, matte, glossy, or patterned surfaces.

  • Chemical Etching: The mold surface is chemically etched to create a textured finish that transfers to the molded product.

  • Sandblasting: The mold is sandblasted to create a rough or matte texture on the product surface.

2. Painting and Coating

  • Spray Painting: Applying paint to the surface of the molded product for aesthetic purposes or to add protective coatings.

  • Powder Coating: Applying a dry powder that is then cured under heat to form a protective and decorative layer.

  • UV Coatings: Applying UV-resistant coatings to enhance the product's resistance to sunlight and prevent degradation.

3. Surface Sealing

  • Sealants: Applying sealants to the product surface to enhance water and chemical resistance, particularly for products exposed to harsh environments.

  • Primers: Using primers before painting or coating to improve adhesion and durability of the topcoat.

4. Metalizing

  • Vacuum Metalizing: A process where a metallic coating is applied to the product in a vacuum chamber, providing a metallic finish and enhancing barrier properties.

  • Electroplating: Applying a thin layer of metal onto the product surface through an electrochemical process.

5. Surface Smoothing

  • Sanding and Polishing: Manual or mechanical sanding and polishing to achieve a smooth and glossy finish, particularly for high-quality or aesthetic parts.

  • Flame Polishing: Using a flame to melt the surface slightly, which smooths out imperfections and provides a glossy finish.

6. Additives and In-Mold Coatings

  • Colorants: Adding pigments or dyes to the plastic resin before molding to achieve consistent color throughout the product.

  • In-Mold Coatings: Applying coatings directly to the mold surface before molding, which then adheres to the product during the molding process.

7. Thermal Treatments

  • Annealing: Heating the product to a specific temperature and then slowly cooling it to relieve internal stresses and improve durability.

  • Heat Staking: Using heat to embed metal or plastic components into the surface of the product.

8. Functional Coatings

  • Anti-Microbial Coatings: Applying coatings that inhibit the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms, suitable for medical or food-related products.

  • Anti-Static Coatings: Applying coatings that reduce static electricity buildup on the product surface.

Selection Criteria for Surface Treatments:

  • Application Requirements: Consider the environment and usage of the product (e.g., UV exposure, chemical resistance).

  • Aesthetic Preferences: Desired appearance and finish (e.g., matte, glossy, textured).

  • Performance Enhancement: Need for additional properties like abrasion resistance, anti-static, or anti-microbial.

  • Cost and Feasibility: Budget constraints and practicality of applying the treatment on a large scale.


  1. Assessment: Evaluate the specific needs of the product and choose the appropriate surface treatment.

  2. Preparation: Prepare the product surface by cleaning, degreasing, or sanding if necessary.

  3. Application: Apply the chosen surface treatment using the appropriate technique and equipment.

  4. Curing and Drying: Allow sufficient time for coatings or treatments to cure or dry as per manufacturer instructions.

  5. Quality Control: Inspect the finished product to ensure the surface treatment has been applied correctly and meets the required standards.

No matter what stage your design is at, we are happy to help you with your project in any way we can. At your request, Inborn is a specialist  rotational mold manufacturer and we will provide you with rotational mold design. Once the project has progressed, we will provide you with sampling lead times and flexible one-stop rotational molded product assembly manufacturing arrangements.

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